May 9, 2015

Misc. Observations and Errors, part 2

Oddly, the shoulder and armscye topstitching on all of the DS9/NEM uniforms seemed closer to their respective seam lines in the movies than the television franchise. 

In the TNG movies, the topstitching appeared to be ⅛" at most, but perhaps even as little as 16", whereas the TV uniforms' seemed a bit larger - ⅛" at least, perhaps even as much as ¼"!


DS9, 6x5 "Favor the Bold"
VOY, 6x10 "Pathfinder"

Perhaps the more distantly-spaced topstitching was specifically for the television franchise, which was, by its very nature, seen on a much smaller screen (and the TV-style topstitching was too "loud" on the big screen); perhaps it was a miscommunication between the movie and television costuming departments; perhaps it was a fluke; perhaps the Deep Space Nine department decided they preferred to use the ¼" whenever possible for some other reason ... who knows? 

And again, this was the case with both the standard duty jumpsuits and "captain jackets"; the big-screen ones typically had closely-spaced topstitching, whereas the TV uniforms typically had larger-spaced topstitching. 

Anyway, we think that the ⅛" topstitching looks snazzier, so that's what we recommend, but you're certainly free to do yours however you prefer, since technically both are "screen accurate."

PREVIOUS: Misc. Observations and Errors, part 1

NEXT: Misc. Observations and Errors, part 3

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